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Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Joining AnatomieHub's affiliate platform with CJ,  your ticket to unlocking exclusive perks and benefits. Let's get you started!

Recommended: Watch Our Video Tutorial

For a seamless registration, we recommend viewing our handy step-by-step video guide. Start your AnatomieHub journey on the right foot!

Joining the AnatomieHub is easy and secure. Just follow these steps: create an account, enter your banking and tax information, and build a profile. Ready to become an AnatomieHub Ambassador? Begin your journey here

Step 1: Gear Up for Registration

Before we dive in, let's ensure you're all set for a seamless registration journey. Here's what you need:


Preferably, a laptop or a desktop. If these aren't handy, an iPad will do. However, please avoid using a mobile phone due to the intricate nature of the registration.


Reserve a 30-minute window for this process. You might be done sooner, but it's better to have some extra time at your disposal.

Required Information

Keep your tax information (Name, Business Type, Address, Social Security Number) and Direct Deposit Information (Bank Name, Routing Number, Account Number) close by.

*Remember, your information is secure with us and CJ.

Step 2: Gear Up for Registration

  • Visit the CJ Sign Up page here.

  • Follow the onscreen instructions to create your account.

  • Check your email inbox for a message from CJ (not Anatomie) and confirm your email address.

Step 3: Build Your Profile

  • Return to the page where you signed up and follow the prompts on the Onboarding Checklist.


  • Enter your user information: name, email, and phone number.


  • Complete the CJ vendor profile. Watch this video for step-by-step guidance.

    • In the "Description" field, copy and paste this text: “I am a Brand Ambassador for Anatomie's program with CJ. Anatomie exists to outfit the global traveler- and everyday adventurer- in the most comfortable and stylish performance apparel."

How to fill in:

Step 4: Fill Out "Publisher Classification" and "Promotional Property"

  1. Publisher Classification: Here, you classify the type of content you produce. To align with the Anatomie Hub program, select "Content/Niche."

  2. Promotional Property: This refers to the platform where you promote Anatomie. Please do the following:

    • Define your property as "Website."

    • Enter "" as your Website URL.

    • Choose "Content/Blog/Media" as your Promotion Model.

    • Name your promotional property "Anatomie Hub Ambassador."

How to fill in:

Step 5: Enter Company Details and
Tax Forms

This crucial step ensures your earnings are correctly managed and you comply with tax regulations. Here's what you need to do:


  1. Account Information: Fill out your account details as required.

  2. Tax Information: Enter your tax information as outlined on your W9 form. If you need assistance, this video provides a step-by-step guide.

  3. Payment Information: Input your direct deposit information - this includes your bank name, routing number, and account number.


Completing these steps correctly ensures smooth transactions and complies with tax obligations.


How to fill in:

Step 6: Complete Onboarding QuestionnaireTax Forms

Answer "no" to all four questions.


Step 7: Activate Your Account!

How to fill in:

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With your account active, the world of luxury travel, fashion, and community awaits. We're thrilled to have you on board. It's time to inspire, share, and grow with AnatomieHub. Get ready to enjoy the journey!

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